Beaucare United Kingdom

Thigh lift (Thigh plasty)

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About the thigh plasty procedure

After substantial weight loss one often ends up with excess loose skin around the upper arms and /or thighs.

Thigh lift (Thigh plasty)

Excess slack skin at the insides of the upper legs can be caused by serious weight loss, pregnancy, or because elasticity has diminished with age.

Weak overstretched skin at the inside of your thighs, especially when it sags, is often considered unaesthetic. If thighs are heavy, their skin will rub against each other when walking. This causes irritation and is seen as a problem particularly during the warm summer months.

Thigh lift surgery

When folds are not too deep removing skin underneath the groin fold will suffice. The scar will then be below the bikini line.

When there is more excess skin also the subskin tissue will need to be removed along the upper leg as far down as 10 cm above the knee. The scar then runs vertically along the inner back side of the thigh. If necessary the plastic surgeon will apply liposculpture to suck away any excess fat.

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After care

Walking will be especially difficult the first few days. For a period of six weeks you will need to wear special tights that will provide extra support for the skin of the thigh area as well as for the scar. It will take some weeks before you will be able to admire the final result of the surgery. Scars will become less visible as time goes by, but this can take years.

To encourage healing you can opt for endermology treatment (LPG) which will speed up the process of the skin becoming more firm and more beautiful after the surgery.

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